Mandurah is WA’s largest regional city and less than an hour from Perth. It has some beautiful beaches and surf spots and is on an estuary twice the size of Sydney Harbor. Originally known as Mandjoogoordap, Mandurah means ‘meeting place of the heart’. If you’re looking for a getaway in Mandurah Western Australia, there are plenty of things to do and see. Including the new Giant’s of Mandurah which has 4 around Mandurah and 1 in Perth since November 2022, They are set to only be around Mandurah till November 2023.

Walking and Cycle Trail’s
Hall’s Head Coastal Path
Hall’s Head foreshore trail is 10.5km and takes about 2 hours return. The trail is all pavement so makes for a great ride along the foreshore. You can continue the trail to Falcon Foreshore.

Osprey Waters Foreshore
The walk is 4.5km return. Park at the Osprey waters foreshore reserve and finishes at Boundary Island Brewery. The walk/ cycle does continue to Len Howard Conservation Reserve. The path is pavement so is a great cycle trail. The len Howard Conservation trail is 6km return beginning at Novara foreshore reserve. This trail is more of a walking trail as it is quite sandy in sections. The trail does also continue along the estuary from Novara foreshore to Olive reserve, the trail is 4.5km return.

The trail does also continue along the estuary from Novara foreshore to Olive reserve, the trail is 4.5km return. This section is along made path so is a great cycle and walking trail with greats views of the estuary.

Mandurah Estuary
There is a great walk along the Mandurah estuary past some great swimming spots. You can also walk the Mandurah urban trail which explores the canals and past many restaurants. The trail is 4km return. The path is paved so is pram friendly. It’s an awesome walk around the marina and to explore more of Mandurah.

Joseph and Dulcie Nannup Trail
The trail is 8.5km return. The trail is along the Serptine River near Mandurah. The path is a mixture of paved footpath and limestone trail with a few boardwalks to take you out over the water. The beginning of the trail can be found at the end of old Pinjarra road and also can be found on Google Maps. There is a shorter loop along the lake Goegrup boardwalk which is 3.4km return beginning at Riverside gardens reserve.

Creery Wetlands Reserve
The trail is 4.8km return trail and takes about 1 hour to walk. The trail begins at Coodanup Foreshore carpark and follows flat boardwalks and paths through the wetlands.

Samphire Cove reserve
It’s a scenic little trail along a boardwalk through the wetlands. There is also a picnic area and BBQ’s. Parking available at Samphire Cove Reserve.

The Giants
There are 4 Giants in Mandurah 3 of them are located close to the Town and the secret Giant is located about 30 minutes drive. To find the last giant collect the clues at each giant. All of the walks to the giants are grade 1 to 3 ranging from 20 minutes to an hour walk. The Giant’s are out in Mandurah for 1 year from November 2022- November 2023. Collect the Giants travelers companion from the information center in Mandurah. Click Here for more information.

Click Here for the best places to visit in Marargret River.